Esfera tecno-humana

Esfera tecno-humana

Esfera tecno-humana (2001)

This installation focuses on the contrast between two different worlds: the technological world and the world of living beings, paying special attention to the interferences between one and the other. The technological world is inhabited by a series of robots with independent functions which are included in their programmation, and are not subject to the influence of living beings. The border between these two worlds is blurry and filled with intense feelings of mistrust, due to the lack of mutual knowledge. A series of sensers control that border, and when a human being crosses it, an alarm is set off and that makes robots change to their “attack mode”.

These sensers also work as webcams. The webcams take shots of the people who go beyond the border —that is, they capture the precise instant in which both worlds collide, in which human beings interfere in the technological environment and are absorbed by it. These shots are then uploaded to a web page.

  • Feria New Art. Galería Metropolitana. Barcelona, 2001.
  • International Fair for Modern Art. Art Cologne, 2001. Galería Metropolitana. Prototipo: Bicho 0.1.