Skills: Net.Art, Research


Connected bodies. Art and identity cartographies in transmedia society

The implementation of digital networks has allowed the development of a transmedia culture in which the audience of the different media platforms has become a type of active user that not only consumes culture but also produces and disseminates it. Parallel to these events, artists have experimented with various languages ​​and techniques that have allowed them to express their thoughts and emotions regarding their inner world and the world around them, that is, to express their subjective perceptions of reality. This concern has led them to the exploration and study of contemporary science and technology, producing the convergence of these with art.

Our proposal proposes a research project and creative practice on self-representation and identity construction in transmedia art. In current art there is a great interest in the creation of works on identity themes, whose creation process goes beyond the use of a support. These are works that claim the relevance of the content and its formulation through a wide variety of technological means.

ARCHID. Connected bodies

Call: Convocatòria d’ajuts del Programa Estatal d’Investigació, Desenvolupament i Innovació Orientada als reptes de la Societat. Modalitat Projectes I+D+I
Agency: Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad
Program: Programa Nacional de Promoción General del Conocimiento – Historia y Arte (BHA)
Official code: HAR2017-84915-R
Start date: 01/01/2018  End date: 31/12/2020

UNESCO codes: 629900 – Altres especialitats artístiques (especifiqueu) / 630700 – Canvi i desenvolupament social
Keywords: 000182 – Arte / 001103 – Identidad / 009218 – Cuerpo / 054960 – Media art / 054961 – Sociedad transmedia

Researchrs Team

Principal investigator
Laura Baigorri Ballarín
Pedro Ortuño Mengual

Patxi Araujo Barón
Clara Boj Tovar
Joaquim Catalozella
Ricardo Iglesias García
Diego Marchante Hueso
Rubén Mirón González
Elena Monleón Gallego
Montse Morcate Casera
Marta Negre Buso
Águeda Simó Cachorro
Maria Dolors Tápias
Pedro Zubiaga Gárate