Net.Art Overview

Skills: Journals, Net.Art

2004_Net_Art_Ricardo IglesiasPanorámica Net.Art

García, A., Albra, C. (ed.) (2004) Amínima. Propuestas visuales y conceptuales contemporáneas. nº 8. Oviedo, pp. 60-69.

In 1997, I participated in a workshop led by digital artist Antoni Abad. The participants were asked to develop small repetitive modules of maximum information for the Internet. The course was held in a small city near Barcelona, where nothing interesting “happened”, so I dedicated myself to walking through its streets, looking at the doors, the shops, the different advertisements and coding systems and trying to unite the real world with the virtual world. It seemed like a complicated job: we didn’t have much knowledge of Internet tools. We did not really know what this information highway consisted of, which at that time, rather, seemed like a narrow and slow alley.

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