Vite in Quarantena

Skills: Book

Gray plague versus covid 19? Nanotechnologies, bacteria and viruses.

Giuliana Attanasio, Riccardo Matlakas (Autor) (2021) Vite in quarantena. Prospettive internazionali del Covid-19 tra psicologia e arte. Madrid: Kimerik. ISBN: 8855167022

An international report on 2020, a year sadly marred by the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to the testimonies of the psychologist Giuliana Attanasio and the artist Riccardo Matlakas, artists, doctors and scientists from all over the world (including Sadhguru, but also historical artists such as ORLAN and Stelarc), each with a different eye on a drama that is affecting everyone without making distinctions. Foreword by Alessandro Meluzzi.