Robotic 0.1

Skills: Conferencia, Research, Robot, Workshop

2002_taller_medialab00_Riardo IglesiasRobotics 0.1

Science Week.
Medialab Conde Duque.
4-9, November 2002

Workshop and conferences held within the framework of the Science Week organized by Karin Ohlenschläger, Medilab-Conde Duque. Workshop given jointly with Gerald Kogler. Using the LEGO MindStorms team we investigated the concepts of robotics, control and interference between the human sphere and the technological sphere, telerobotics and the flow of information. We propose the construction of small animated and independent robots through programming, with the use of the LEGO “smart brick”, microprocessors, contact sensors, light sensors and motion sensors.

Participating in the conferences are: Moisés Mañas, Viente Matellán Olivera and Carlos Corpa.