Net.Art Questions

Skills: Book

2004_arteypensamiento0_Ricardo IglesiasQuestions and answers: is Net.Art different than any other Art?

Billelabeitia, I., Elorza, C., Mungi, A (eds.) (2004) Arte y pensamiento en la era tecnológica. Zaraulz: Universidad del País Vasco. ISBN: 8483736225.

Contextualize the current work of Net.Art or installations that work with the Internet within the Spanish panorama. For this purpose, a press article that appeared on Thursday, February 15, 2001 with the following headline is taken as reference: ARCO 2001, a sample of the art of the new century.

It describes the appearance of new technologies within the ARCO exhibition space, a review was made of the presence of the new digital “creators”, the new exhibition possibilities, the new on-line artistic portals, the new contests and Net.Art festivals. 

Link to the full text.