Live Mexico

Skills: Audiovisual

Viva México, cabrones!!! (2006)
Viva Mexico, cabrones!!! is born of the daily life in the city Mexico D.F. In a city, whose metropolitan area consists of more than 18 million inhabitants, mobility is fundamental for the survival. The public transport is used mainly by people of low social extraction. The rush hours are moments of great agglomeration, the underground transports daily almost 5 million people and the line of Avda. Insurgentes Metrobus crosses of north to the south great part of the city (more than 20 km).

To travel in the underground, the bus (truck), trolebús, the simple communitarian vans (peseros) or seat down to take a coffee always becomes a experience of contact with the other, of approach and of knowledge, sometimes, it cheers and carefree, others more painful than it raises annoying questions to us like in the smile.

The installation consists of two videos that show to different situations from coexistence in the city on the premise of mobility and the displacement. One accompanies by papers and invoices that show the daily life in one megametropoli.

  • A1milímetro. Ciclo de proyecciones de vídeo. Experimenten. Barcelona, 2009.
  • Las palabras y las cosas. Centre Cívic Can Felipa, Barcelona, 2006.