Spam Tower

Skills: Installation

Spam Tower
Spam Tower_Ricardo Iglesias

Spam Tower (2012)

Today, we witness the generalized conversion and manipulation of communication channels in sale channels. It proposes the creation of a panoptic tower which “bombards” users with SMS and advertising.

The piece is built on two critical levels: Communication systems become control systems under the consumer paradigm, which it allows his transformation into a advertising and sales channels. In Spain, most Telephone Companies bombard their users with advertising spam. The Spam policy has jumped from email to phone messages. And the increase in control systems in public spaces, such as surveillance cameras and other devices.

The piece reflects those critical aspects. It will create a program, that will allow the Tower send messages to all mobile within its range. These consist of replicas of SMS messages, that the Companies send to his clients. One circle of sensors at the base of the tower will interact with the visitors to control their positions in space and generate movement, noise in the tower.

  • Net.Art y Control. (retrospective) La Neomudéjar Avant-garde Arts Center Museum. Madrid, 2017.
  • Espacio Hangar. Sónar. Festival Internacional de Música Avanzada y Arte Multimedia. Barcelona, 2013.