Words Machine

Skills: Installation, Net.Art
Máquina de Palabras


Koinonía: máquina de palabras (2007)

Societies have been created from complex rituals and social consensuses, where games and the meanings of words have been produced within a collective tradition and, at the same time, have evolved, continually enriching these societies. The Greek term “Koinoonia” means both community and communication, which indicates the close link always established between communicating and being in community. The project starts from the word as a sign of Koinonia and from the game as an effective social interaction.

Word Machine is an interactive web experience that allows you to play with the meaning of words and the construction of sentences from the use of pan-Hispanic terms (Mexicanisms), where the game, the meaning and the machine itself are the conceptual basis of the project.

+ info:


  • Sintopía(s) de la relación entre arte, ciencia y tecnología. Palabras corrientes. Instituto Cervantes, New York, 2008.
  • Córdoba digital. Centro Cultural Español. Córdoba (Argentina), 2007.
  • Sintopía(s) de la relación entre arte, ciencia y tecnología. Palabras corrientes. Instituto Cervantes, Pekin, 2007.