Robots and cameras

Skills: Conferencia, Robot

2013_Technarte_Ricardo IglesiasArt, robots and surveillance cameras

April 25-26, 2013. Bilbao

Conference presentation of the project “Surveillance Camaras: they are alive !!” based on the processes of criticism about the uses and abuses of TCIs and video surveillance systems at a local and global level. Tour on different artistic experimentations that face and denounce this problem as The Surveillance Camera Players collective [], Marie Sester with Access (2003) [] or the University of Berkeley Respectful Cameras project (2007) led by Ken Goldberg, together with Jeremy Schiff, Marci Meingast, Deirdre K. Mulligan and Shankar Sastry []

Since its first edition in 2006, Technarte Conference is where artists, designers and researchers from all over the world come together to share their vision of the fusion between art and technology in a close and friendly environment.