Ethic Robotic

Skills: Academy, Research, Robot

From technological experimentation: art, robotics, control and video surveillance systems

Elisava Faculty of Design and Engineering. Barcelona.

With the emergence, development and exponential expansion of new technologies in all human areas, new questions have been raised about interface, control, surveillance, robotics, ethics and aesthetics. The art world, always interested in experimental processes, has assumed technology as an essential tool for new creations. The classic condition of contemplative object has been surpassed to enter the dimension of direct interaction with the public and from the public where alternative languages and objects of knowledge and aesthetic “enjoyment” can be constructed.

Update on these new technologies and their symbiotic involvement with art: the creation of man-machine interfaces, the figure of the cyborg, transhumanism, artistic devices as surveillance systems, the evolution of the robot concept, the appearance of identity cartographies in the transmedia society, the aspects of ethics and utopia in the processes of current technological developments…