Art and robotics

Skills: Academy, Book, Research, Robot

2016_libro_robotica_Ricardo IglesiasArte y robótica. La tecnología como experimentación estética.
Madrid: Casimiro. 2016. ISBN: 978-84-15715-74-0.

MADATAC International Essay Prize, awarded in the 7th edition.

With the new technologies, the arts have surpassed their classic condition of “object to be contemplated” and have entered the field of direct interaction with the public and the environment, with which they construct new languages and new aesthetic objects. Robotics finds in its current artistic production an endless field of experimentation and development.

This essay points out the enormous potential that robotics represents for the future of the arts and, through a historical, literary and aesthetic journey, shows the theoretical and practical proposals made by artists from the first automata of the 18th century to the last international cyborgs. .

El robot como experimento estético.
Roberta Bosco.