Tecno – estéticas

Skills: Academy, Conferencia, Research

Technological aesthetics: utopia, myth and control in robotic and net.Art

Spanish Cultural Center of Buenos Aires. https://www.cceba.org.ar
Seminar. 26/06 y 3, 10, 17, 24/07,  2017.

In the Seminar the following topics will be analyzed:
The technological utopia: art and society. With the appearance of the so-called Communication and Information Technologies (ICT), new formats of representation and social integration appear. Artistic languages assume critical aspects in the face of the utopian pretensions of new “technologically perfect” societies. From formats of aesthetic activism we witness a rethinking of the meaning of community and contestation. Study cases.

The myth of the internet. The Net.Art. The emergence of new communication systems such as the World Wide Web and instant communication processes from smartphones are analyzed as current mythologies of participatory democracy. Net.Art creates audiovisual and interactive language alternatives, while smartphones only popularize data and image exchange networks. Study cases.

Foundation of robotic art. The experimentation of technological possibilities introduces original work production formats. The interaction occurs in physical space and in the now. Robotic art develops multiple connections with users from different areas of creation: internet, cyborg, futures, artificial intelligence and duplicity, sensitive aspects, etc. Study cases.

Video surveillance and control systems. Control as a paradigm of contemporary societies. Critical elements and aesthetic developments in extended video surveillance situations. Maps and spatial tracking from everyday tools. Study cases