Independent Robot

Skills: Installation, Robot

Independent Robot Community (2005)

This installation is based on our concerns and studies on the search for and representation of new forms of interaction/communication between mechanical components (robots) and carbon-based representations (humans). Our goal is to foster communication by showing how it increases the degree of socialization while developing higher levels of communication

The installation consists of twenty robots, several cameras that record their movements in space and communicate the encounters that are generated to a social network system. These encounters are shown on a projector as a graphic display of crisscrossing lines. One of the robots is also equipped with a spy camera that represents one individual’s subjective point of view versus the graphic display of social statistics.

Collaboration with Gerald Kogler.

Installation video

  • (Al)most life, after all. Centro Arts Santa Mònica. Barcelona, 2019.
  • Aproximaciones creativas a la colección BEEP de Arte electrónico. Museo Salvador Vilaseca. Reus, 2017.
  • Electronic Timing. Colección Beep de Arte Electrónico. Sala Josep Renau. Universidad Politécnica. Valencia, 2017.
  • MulaFest IFEMA. Madrid, 2014.
  • 7 Festival internacional Observatori. Valencia, 2006.
  • I Premio off ARCO-BEEP de Arte Electrónico. Feria de Arte Contemporáneo. Madrid, 2006. Premiado.
  • 1º Concurso Internacional de Artes Electrónicas y vídeo. Transitio_MX. Méxic0, 2005. Finalista.
  • Sala Metrònom. Fundación Rafael Tous. Barcelona, 2005.