Female Robots

Skills: Book, Robot

robots femeninos_Ricardo IglesiasRobots femeninos y arte electrónico (Ch.)

Book. Broncano, F. y Hernández de la Fuente, D. (2017) De Galatea a Barbie. Autómatas, robots y otras figuras de la construcción femenina. Madrid: Lengua de Trapo. ISBN: 9788483810682

In this book, based on the myth of Pygmalion, Fernando Broncano and David Hernández de la Fuente have compiled a series of articles plagued with female automatons and robots that make up and have shaped the ideology of women throughout the centuries. Pop culture, indie, classicism, philosophy, romanticism, renaissance, cinema: everything serves to reformulate the masculine point of view to which the figure of the woman has been exposed, although influencing the look from the woman herself represented by Remedios Zafra Isabel García Adánez , Alicia Mariño Espuelas and Vanessa Montfort.

The most interesting aspect of this book is the parallelism that is established in the treatment of the feminine element between the ancients and the modern world. The survival and topicality of myths, the metaphor of the robot and objectification, the paradox of male need and the submission exercised towards women that always converge in the eyes of men. All the artistic and social manifestations throughout history, either acting or speculating, have shaped the female icon and the dialogue that man, society and woman have established with it.

On the highest analytical rigor but based on an agile and accessible prose for all audiences, this female bestiary brings us reflections, self-criticisms, complicities and humors to understand how we see and reconstruct the eternal feminine in our eyes, heads and myths. For the edition of this book, the editors have counted on university professors and thinkers who manage to transmit with passion, intelligence and even humor, the ideas that converge in this volume.